Paean 1965 & 1964
How much do you remember the evening of June 11, 1965? That was the culmination of the great education we received at Central High School. The ninety-seventh annual Commencement brochure is most likely hiding in a closet or attic, assuming you didn't toss it in one of your upsize or downsize moves during the last 50+ years. No problem. You can read it right from this website. Heck, print a copy and do a reenactment for your grandchildren or great-grandchildren. Click here to see the brochure: 1965 Commencement
Paean's -- 1965 & 1964
Can't find your senior or junior yearbooks? Are they falling apart and you've lost some pages? Does it just smell funny? Make that, smell toxic, and you fear it will kill all life forms within 100 yards?
No problem. The Paeans from 1965 AND 1964 are now available online. You're a simple click away. You can scroll through the pages easily. You can zoom in on pictures. You can view them two pages side-by-side just like you're reading the real thing. You can clip images and pages and share them via email, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. It's really amazing. And there's no musty odor.
If you'd like to read our senior yearbook, you should try the following 2 links. The 1965 Paean had to be divided because its size exceeded the allowable size for a single document to be viewed.
Part 1. First 100 pages, use this link: 1965Paean
Part 2. Page 100 through the end, use this link: 1965Paeanpart2
If you'd like to read our junior yearbook, click here: 1964 Paean